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Ericsson Global Innovation Award 2017

This year’s competition theme is the FUTURE OF FOOD and is based on UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.6 billion. Ensuring that our food production and consumption is sufficient and sustainable is a major challenge, but also an opportunity to improve lives and the health of our planet. At Ericsson, we have seen at first-hand how ICT can impact the world for the better. How can your idea be a part of this development?At Ericsson, we strongly believe that everyone has the capacity to come up with a transformational idea. Having said that, this global competition we are hosting will enable students to exercise their creative minds for the world to see.

Below are more details

- The registration opens and is between: January 9th - March 17th 2017
- Each team that registers must be between 2-4 individuals
- Each and every discipline is welcome – be it business, arts, or technical/engineering/sciences – even Masters or other higher level educational studies welcome to register.
- All level of studies are welcome – from freshmen to seniors
- Additional information can be attained by visiting the following link

Last year’s grand finale (final 3 teams) was hosted in Stockholm, Sweden. This year’s location is to be announced in the coming weeks – all expenses paid for
The EIA winners and runners up will be selected by a jury that consists of both Ericsson and external members in the official awards ceremony
All disciplines from all years are encouraged to register their teams. If a team of your country make it to the latter stages of this competition, this could be extremely beneficial to Turkey’s education reputation as it will be mentioned in our regional press releases.

TGB-1 Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi

Doğuş Caddesi No: 207/Z DEÜ Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi Buca 35390 İzmir Türkiye
+90 (232) 301 97 97

TGB-2 Balçova/Sağlık Teknoparkı (Yönetim)

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İnciraltı Yerleşkesi Mithatpaşa Cad. No:56-20
DEPARK Zeytin Binası Balçova 35340 İzmir Türkiye
+90 (232) 412 80 00